Turning Your Mind from a Garbage Dump to a Garden

"Last night I lost the world, and gained the universe." C.JoyBellC.

Becoming open-minded creates room for clear thinking allowing you to move forward with ease.  In the movie, The Secret Mike Dooley states "Thoughts become things."  Wouldn't it be great if each thought you have were the best thought you could be thinking. This means clearing out the clutter in your mind.  Just as you may take time twice a year to deep clean your living space take time to deep clean your mind. One way to start this process of turning your mind from a garbage dump to a fertile garden where beautiful thoughts can grow is to examine your core beliefs.

First, brainstorm a list of beliefs in one/all of the following areas: self, health, wealth/abundance, relationships/connection, intellect/learning, spirituality.  Write quickly, quantity is more important here than quality, just get them down. 

Now go back and examine each one carefully.  Then mark a K for Keep next to any belief/thought that will help your thought garden grow.  What beliefs nourish you?  When preparing for a fertile garden you remove anything that will not provide nourishment for your plants. Mark anything you need to Toss with a T. What beliefs do you need to Let Go—beliefs that aren’t serving to nourish you.  Next mark any beliefs that you need to adjust or any you need with an A.  There are times when a garden needs a bit more alkaline so we add to it; sometimes it isn’t moist enough so we may need to water it more.

Lastly add any beliefs to the list that will provide nutrients for the person you are becoming. Caution the point here is to nourish the garden of your mind, attempting to add too many foreign beliefs may create stress.

Once you begin the process of turning the garbage dump of your mind into a fertile garden the process will become easier, each time you clean it out.

Listen for more ideas on my radio show.


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