
Showing posts from May, 2016

Questions to Encourage Character

Do you want to grow responsible, independent, caring individuals? Each interaction you have with a child is an opportunity to build internal strength and develop life skills. Asking questions rather than making statements plants the seeds for healthy character traits to grow within children.  When a child is exhibiting a trait you wish to encourage take advantage by helping them self-reflect. Use a sincere tone to convey your intent. A simple way to remember is “Ask - Don’t Tell!” What to ask To encourage Instead of saying ·        How hard did you try? ·        Was this your best work? ·        Did you give yourself credit for your efforts? ·        When it was hard what did you do? Hard Work / Perseverance ·        You tried really hard on that. ·        You never gave up, even when it was hard. ·        I can tell you tried your very best. ·        Do you think you can do it? ·        How smart are you