Creating A Personal Balance Sheet

This blog is linked to the ideas shared on my  Radio Show.

Trying to balance home, work, relationships, personal growth and other interests isn’t easy.  The first step in the process is to realize that you have only 24 hours in a day.  Cut yourself some slack and remind yourself you can’t be everything to everyone. The second step is to recognize that balance doesn’t mean equal.  Balance is about harmony.  

Balancing your time is creating a state in which the various parts of your life form a satisfying and harmonious whole.  

When you are in balance, you feel calm, grounded, clear-headed and peaceful.  Balance is not a tug of war between the desires of your heart and mind; it is discovering the perfect combinations of the facets of your life.  

Exactly what would balance look like for you?  Take a few minutes to create a personal balance sheet and do a bit of analysis to make some small shifts.
Where would you place an “x” for the perfect balance in each of the following areas?

Challenging myself intellectually ……………………………..Creating opportunities for me to rest my mind

Being loving……………………………………………………………………………Being loved

Healthy eating, drinking, and exercising……………………………Resting, treating myself to foods I love

Pushing to achieve my goals……………………………….Seeing the bigger picture, enjoying the journey

Satisfying my social desires……………………………………………….…………Taking time for myself

Taking time for thing I enjoy……………………………………………………..Being sure I don’t overdo

Being the family man/woman I want to be……………………………Creating healthy boundaries

Now look at how you are spending your time.  How close to balance are you in your practices?  Is there an area, perhaps spirituality, that isn’t listed that is important to you?  What would you put on each end of that continuum?  What did you learn from creating your own personal balance sheet?

How I use my time is a reflection of my true priorities. Like an investment account, intentions do not earn dividends. Today invest in your own well-being by spending time on somethings you value.  Taking time to read and think about this blog is an investment in your own well-being.
"Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony."  Thomas Merton


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