Quiet The Chatter
Where do your thoughts come from? They often appear to arise from nowhere and
yet with a bit of exploration you may find that something someone said,
something you read, a song you were listening to, a TV show, or your awareness
of something around you sparked a thought.
Becoming more aware of what ignites your thinking can allow you to be
more selective in what you pay attention to.
How necessary are most of your thoughts? Much of your thinking may be drawing your
attention away from the present moment.
Your thoughts are where you store your desires, fantasies, memories,
dreams, shoulds, have tos, and more. They are the home of the past and the
future. Learning to quiet your mind and let go of some of your thoughts opens
the door to mindfulness.
Ask yourself:
Is this thought true?
Where did this thought come from?
How is this thought serving me?
When you let go of the chatter
you make room for peace.
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