
Showing posts from December, 2013

Creating A Personal Balance Sheet

This blog is linked to the ideas shared on my  Radio Show . T rying to balance home, work, relationships, personal growth and other interests isn’t easy.   The first step in the process is to realize that you have only 24 hours in a day.   Cut yourself some slack and remind yourself you can’t be everything to everyone. The second step is to recognize that balance doesn’t mean equal.   Balance is about harmony.    Balancing your time is creating a state in which the various parts of your life form a satisfying and harmonious whole.    When you are in balance, you feel calm, grounded, clear-headed and peaceful.   Balance is not a tug of war between the desires of your heart and mind; it is discovering the perfect combinations of the facets of your life.    Exactly what would balance look like for you?   Take a few minutes to create a personal balance sheet and do a bit of analysis to make some small shifts. ...

An Emotional Surfing Lesson

Jonathan Martensson wrote “Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.” In Perceptual Control Theory (PCT), behavior is described in terms of a negative feedback loop.  You record the world around you and within you as perceptions.  These perceptions are then compared to your desired perceptions (reference perceptions). Your actions are your attempts to reduce the discrepancy between the present state and the desired state.  When your perceptions closely match or exceed your desired state you may say you are happy, peaceful, joyful, excited, etc. Conversely, when your perceptions are far away from your desired state, you may say you are sad, angry, frustrated or something else.   You create the emotional waves within you.  When you allow yourself to fully feel your emotions as they come, you tend to let them go easily.  When you resist they persist and you tend to suffer more.  You cre...