Letting Go of Negative Chatter

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.  Watch your words, for they become actions.  Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” – Unknown

Taking time to metacognate—think about your thinking—can be extremely valuable in shifting your focus to one of well-being and crowd out stress.  A few times a day take time to be aware of your thoughts, analyzing the source and effects of your thinking. Try asking- “What’s this thought about?” or “When I have this thought how do I feel?” I might even suggest keeping a journal for a couple of days to look for patterns in your thinking.

After a few days, dig a little deeper. Pay special attention to thoughts that are about yourself, your skills, your abilities and your performance.  Where on the continuum, from critical to uplifting, are your thoughts about yourself?  If you are on the end towards critical, it might be time take a few steps toward uplifting.

Critical ..........................................................Uplifting

Louise Hay believes criticism shrivels the spirit.  Criticizing others can lead to poor self-esteem, long-term psychological problems and negatively impact your relationships. Criticizing self feeds the belief that you are not good enough. Researchers estimate that about 85% of your internal dialogue about you is negative. Just imagine if you could shift just 20% of your internal chatter, how much better you would feel. 

You were born worthy – feed yourself this uplifting thought often!

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