
Showing posts from May, 2014

Become a Dream Builder

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein Imagineering is the process of putting creative ideas into action. The word blends the concepts of imagining and engineering; it involves envisioning, inventing, visualizing and then creating over time. A Time magazine ad from February 16, 1942, titled The Place They Do Imagineering shows an Alcoa ad that describes imagineering as—letting your imagination soar, and then engineering it down to earth. In essence, when you practice imagineering you become a dream builder.   You see in your mind’s eye something that is not yet in existence, and then you make it happen. Tom Fitzgerald, a Disney Imagineer who worked on the design of Epcot, said, “If you can dream it-You can do it.” You can create the life of your dreams. Everything you do begins as a thought or visualization in your imagination. The thought “It’s time to get out of bed,” precedes getting out of bed. ...

A Rebel with a Cause

Spring conjures thoughts of the legends and lore surrounding the Trickster.   The leprechauns of St. Patrick’s Day, the jokers on April Fools’ Day and the deceptive nature of spring weather are all like the archetypal Trickster.   Each is a reminder of the Wise Fool within.   In stories, the Trickster provides humorous relief to offset dramatic tension.   In life, the Trickster is your teacher, your great balancer.     Like a rebel with a cause, the Trickster uses riddles, puns, puzzles, mischief, wit and cleverness to teach you and help you grow in unexpected ways.   Blessed with curiosity that can lead to trouble, armed with cunning and wit the trickster faces challenges and evolves to a higher level. In life, your greatest lessons often come in unexpected ways such as tempting choices and strife.   It is only after the fact, when you dig deeper, that you “get the joke,” learn the lesson and grow from the experience. Bugs Bunny, the...