The Gift of Receiving

How good are you at receiving gifts, even the gift of a compliment?  There are few people capable of receiving, even when the gift is given with love and a generosity of spirit.

When someone tries to give you something you may think "I'm capable of getting this on my own. This person doesn't think I'm capable."  Maybe you think "They will want this back someday and I'm not sure I can ever repay their kindness." Perhaps you feel unworthy, or undeserving to be treated with love and kindness.  Shifting your thinking about receiving can be a great benefit to all.

The person giving is doing so out of a need to give, to make a difference in the lives of others and to show their appreciation for all they have and are grateful for.  The receiver is also giving, they are giving the gift of receiving.  Gracious acceptance allows for all involved to gain from the experience.

A small act of kindness can bring joy to both the giver, the receiver and all in the community who observe the act.  Learn to say thank you and know that you have played a role in the cycle of giving.


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