Setting the Tone for Living Full Circle

In teaching and writing the opening and closing are the most important, so it is with your day. The first thought you have in the morning and the first actions you take set the tone for the rest of your day.

What is the first thought you have each morning?  For me it is often - "Oh this bed feels soooo good!"  Starting your day with a good thought begins the creation of a good day.  Louise Hay, one of my favorite authors, recommends that after being grateful for a good nights sleep the next step is to stand in front of the mirror and with sincerity say "__(Name)___, I really love you." I often begin with reading a chapter in a book that is uplifting or spiritual. Sometimes I just lay there and set my intention by saying "Today, I intend desire and graciously accept that __________."  No matter your morning ritual remember you are beginning the creation process for the rest of your day.

Just as the morning sets the tone for your waking hours, your night time rituals set the tone for your dream time.  Try ending your waking hours by creating a kudos or credit list for all of the principles you have practiced today.  For example, "I'm going to give myself credit for being kind today.  Today I feed the birds and took time to be grateful for all the joy I experience when they surround me."  Letting go of your day by emphasizing how you lived your principles closes the day and allows your sleep to be a time of new creation.

When you set the tone for both your waking and dream time you are creating and living a life full circle.


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