
Showing posts from March, 2016

Five Things Students Need to Hear Every Day

1. "Hello! How are you?" - Greet students everyday so they feel connected. Ask them how they are and what kind of day they would like to create.  this lets them know you care.  For older students, as they walk through the door, make eye contact and welcome them with a handshake, a high five, a fist bump or a simple good morning/afternoon.  Not only will they feel more connected but, you will be teaching a valuable networking skill. The bonus is that as a teacher you can get a feel for how to best acclimate the students to learning.  2. “You are valuable.”  - Tell students that you are happy to see them and glad to be with them. Whenever someone is absent allow the class to acknowledge their absence. Upon their return let them know they were missed – “We were okay without you but we are better with you.” In the elementary school some classes sing the missing student a song to wish him/her well. Students know when they are absent that the class will be wishing them well. W